
Now, that everyone spends even more time online we updated our earlier posts on our facebook page and placed a unique hashtag, #fastenglishweeklytips in all our posts.
How can a letter be exciting? 🙂 Not easily 🙂
Politico dot com published ”34 big thinkers’ predictions for what’s to come” that is how the present pandemic will change the world. lists these words (and more) in their „Words at Play” series. Let's see if you have ever heard them and if you know what they mean.
FAST ENGLISH WEEKLY TIPS ⏩ ⏩ MAKE THE MOST OF IT Interestingly, it’s Tip Berlin’s website where we found the most practical collection of tips, WRITTEN IN ENGLISH , on what you can do at home during the quarantine...
HOW WILL ENGLISH SOUND IN 100 YEARS? There are several theories on how the English language will evolve in the next 10, 20, 50 or 100 years...

Learn a thousand words

How many spoken languages do you think there are on this planet? All you have to know to answer that question is the answer to two other questions: – How many countries are there? – What is the average number of languages per country? Then all it takes is a calculator or a pencil and a piece of paper…


The perfect coffee break link

When we hear “oh, I will send you this link, click on it in your next coffee break”, we tend to assume that it is a funny or a shocking click bait video. Allow us to provide you with an exception…


Can you believe this weather?

After another scorching summer, there’s a ray of hope that the weather will, at last, start to change and become a bit more capricious than all throughout the summer of ’22.


As many books as you want

At the gate of autumn, as days are getting longer, we tend to spend more time at home. We would like to present to you a suspiciously great online library that we found two years ago. By suspiciously we mean that it’s a website which, in return for signing up (FOR FREE), opens the doors of an online library with an ocean of books.


20th August around the world

We know what we celebrate on 20th August in Hungary. It’s much less common knowledge for us that this day is a significant day in the Moroccan history, too. And if you work for NASA you know that the launch of the Voyager 2 spacecraft also took place on this day almost half a century ago…

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