
We have found something that is suspiciously great*...
Mára az idegen nyelv létfontosságúvá vált az üzleti életben, az angol nyelv nélkül szinte lehetetlen elhelyezkedni. Az egyetemekről ugyan nyelvvizsgával jönnek ki a frissen végzettek, de még a szakmailag magasan képzett alkalmazottakat tekintve is gyakran felmerül az igény, hogy nyelvileg képezzék őket. Aki valaha foglalkozott céges nyelvi képzésekkel, meg fogja erősíteni, hogy nem könnyű feladat a hatékony oktatás kivitelezése.
Good jokes can be good ice-breakers . & Really bad jokes can break the ice, too .
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Google Translation has its pros and cons...
If you are looking for fun facts for today, find out what we celebrate on 23rd May...

Expand your vocabulary

Do you want to expand your vocabulary focussing on a specific topic? There aren’t any sources that would be complete and perfect for your needs…


Language apps: 2020 update

Language apps come as a handy tool for language learners. We wanted to update our language app recommendation list, so we dived into online research.


Do some research

Research can be adventurous. Here’s an example: I travelled on a Virgin train from London to Liverpool recently and I heard the funniest automated announcement in the toilet…


Graded books

It wasn’t as easy to find these great resources as we thought it would be: Penguin’s great selection of books graded by 8 levels, from starter to level 7.


Online and offline crosswords

Sitting in the shade, doing some crosswords can be relaxing. And it can be frustrating, too, depending on the difficulty. What we have found can be both but it’s a kind of positive and motivating frustration when you bump into a word that you have never heard.

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