
Do you want to expand your vocabulary focussing on a specific topic? There aren’t any sources that would be complete and perfect for your needs...
Language apps come as a handy tool for language learners. We wanted to update our language app recommendation list, so we dived into online research.
Research can be adventurous. Here’s an example: I travelled on a Virgin train from London to Liverpool recently and I heard the funniest automated announcement in the toilet...
It wasn’t as easy to find these great resources as we thought it would be: Penguin’s great selection of books graded by 8 levels, from starter to level 7.
Az üzleti angol nyelvtanfolyamnak sok előnye van, akár csoportos, akár egyéni oktatás folyik a munkahelyeken. A legnagyobb előny az, hogy aktuális problémákra tudunk gyors megoldásokkal válaszolni, és akár egyik hétről a másikra tudjuk emelni a kollégák munkavégzésének színvonalát. Erre mutatunk egy példát.
Sitting in the shade, doing some crosswords can be relaxing. And it can be frustrating, too, depending on the difficulty. What we have found can be both but it’s a kind of positive and motivating frustration when you bump into a word that you have never heard.

Fast English weekly tips

We launched our blog, Fast English weekly tips, and introduced our unique hashtag #fastenglishweeklytips on facebook years ago, to share with you what we find, week by week, as a result of our research to make the time that you devote to language learning colourful, interesting and fun, in addition to being useful, of course…


Happy 31st birthday, Fast English

Ünnepi bevezető – 7 nagyon fontos számmal: 1 évvel ezelőtt a Fast English 3 tulajdonosa és vezetője – akiknek 8 évvel korábban, 22 év cégvezetés után adta át a stafétát az akkori 4 tulajdonos – köszöntőt mondhatott a 2022-ben 30 éves Fast English születésnapi piknikjén…


Get your books for the summer

We are two weeks from June. It’s time to pick your summer books. For language learners who want to find some great books for the summer we have an invaluable link…


Know how to spell what you celebrate

Is it Mothers’ Day today? Or Mother’s Day? Or Mothers Day maybe? In Hungarian, there is no dilemma around the spelling of Anyák napja. In English, however, hyphenation raises a question. We have found out about it and put a link in our blog post, in case you have any doubt about that hyphen…


Get ready for city tours

We are less than 2 days from May. The high season for city tours starts around late spring and lasts until early autumn. We would like to help you get ready, in an unusual way.


Light reading for a sunny day

On an easy Sunday afternoon like this, we recommend that you sit back and, for some light reading practice, join us in figuring out what on earth the term international pixel-stained technopeasant means and why it is mentioned on the same page as the London Marathon and Shakespeare.

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