
Do you want to expand your vocabulary focussing on a specific topic? There aren’t any sources that would be complete and perfect for your needs...
Language apps come as a handy tool for language learners. We wanted to update our language app recommendation list, so we dived into online research.
Research can be adventurous. Here’s an example: I travelled on a Virgin train from London to Liverpool recently and I heard the funniest automated announcement in the toilet...
It wasn’t as easy to find these great resources as we thought it would be: Penguin’s great selection of books graded by 8 levels, from starter to level 7.
Az üzleti angol nyelvtanfolyamnak sok előnye van, akár csoportos, akár egyéni oktatás folyik a munkahelyeken. A legnagyobb előny az, hogy aktuális problémákra tudunk gyors megoldásokkal válaszolni, és akár egyik hétről a másikra tudjuk emelni a kollégák munkavégzésének színvonalát. Erre mutatunk egy példát.
Sitting in the shade, doing some crosswords can be relaxing. And it can be frustrating, too, depending on the difficulty. What we have found can be both but it’s a kind of positive and motivating frustration when you bump into a word that you have never heard.

Latin abbreviations in English

We know how and when to use most Latin abbreviations, such as: AD – anno Domini – „in the year of the Lord”; A.M. – ante meridiem – „before midday”; P.M – post meridiem – „after midday” …


Can you spell that, please?

There are certain „imported” words in the English language that have two valid spelling versions – one with special characters coming from the original language – and another version with characters adjusted to the English alphabet.

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