
We are two weeks from June. It’s time to pick your summer books. For language learners who want to find some great books for the summer we have an invaluable link...
Is it Mothers’ Day today? Or Mother’s Day? Or Mothers Day maybe? In Hungarian, there is no dilemma around the spelling of Anyák napja. In English, however, hyphenation raises a question. We have found out about it and put a link in our blog post, in case you have any doubt about that hyphen...
We are less than 2 days from May. The high season for city tours starts around late spring and lasts until early autumn. We would like to help you get ready, in an unusual way.
On an easy Sunday afternoon like this, we recommend that you sit back and, for some light reading practice, join us in figuring out what on earth the term international pixel-stained technopeasant means and why it is mentioned on the same page as the London Marathon and Shakespeare.
Don’t you find it interesting that sometimes, in a ten-word sentence, there are at least five words that did not exist a few decades ago?
Easter traditions vary not only from country to country but also even neighbouring regions of the same country celebrate Easter in different ways...

Google tips

It’s Google’s 22nd birthday today! So, we are dedicating this post to Google, more specifically to ways Google can help language learners.


Find meaningful news

The U.N. Climate Action Summit is a great excuse for some reading practice. If you are looking for some reading materials, you can read many press releases.


English connectors

What??? We are talking about words and phrases that connect sentences and paragraphs. On the one hand, each of them has their specific function; on the other hand, they serve as elegant decoration in conversation or writing; …



„Már szinte természetesen tudom kezelni, ha a külföldi kollégákkal kell egyeztetnem angolul.” Zsuzsa, az egyik tanítványom nagyon izgatottan jelentkezett be egyik reggel a szokásos heti angolórára. Az ok az volt, hogy olyan pozitív élményben részesült előző nap a munkahelyi nemzetközi online meetingen, amire semmiképpen sem számított előtte.

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