
Isn’t it interesting that just two decades ago a lot of people in Hungary would have been surprised if you had invited them to a Halloween party...
Every year, Oxford Dictionaries announce the Word Of The Year. The winner usually sums up the most significant event or trend of the given calendar year...
What are we celebrating? In each minute, maybe in each second there is someone on this planet starting to celebrate. To celebrate what? Something that thousands or millions celebrates or something that only a few...
Mastering a language takes discipline and hard word. No doubt about that. But there is a proverb that says “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” From a mental and physiological point of view I would translate it like this: ...
Last week we recommended a language learning and practice podcast series with 356 available episodes. Now episode #357 is out...
356 episodes… It’s a dream come true when you start listening to a podcast or following a youtuber and you realize they have uploaded more than three hundred episodes ...


„Már szinte természetesen tudom kezelni, ha a külföldi kollégákkal kell egyeztetnem angolul.” Zsuzsa, az egyik tanítványom nagyon izgatottan jelentkezett be egyik reggel a szokásos heti angolórára. Az ok az volt, hogy olyan pozitív élményben részesült előző nap a munkahelyi nemzetközi online meetingen, amire semmiképpen sem számított előtte.


Language super power???

Do you know this classic /see image/ that used to be in circulation in an old chain mail? This paragraph contains a bunch of jumbled letters and you are still able to read it at a normal pace…


The Weather

September is here. Isn’t it the best opportunity to chit-chat about the weather? How hot the summer was… How we were all looking forward to the end of the scorching heat… How great it will be to take a walk on a chilly morning at last… And how much we will miss it in a couple of months…

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