
On the wide range of TV shows there’s no better programme to learn English conversation than talk shows. Their recipe to get you addicted is simple: a host, several celebrity guests, interviews and short game or comedy segments...
If you look at the title line of this post it’s quite obvious what “wpm” stands for. If your reading speed is 250 wpm it means you can read 250 words per minute. Is 250 wpm a high reading speed?
Three years ago we found a technological novelty that has proven to be a great tool for language learners since then. Now we have found that it merged with another application...
We would like to introduce you to 7 words that are either new or are used more and more frequently in a new context in 2023...
Learning focus: word endings or suffixes >> Tip: a great online resource that you can rely on for finding words with the same ending, for practice and vocabulary expansion.
If you sit down today with a cup of tea or coffee, allow us to recommend something to read.

It’s September 24th, so…

If you open a browser and enter today’s date you get four kinds of results: – the one that tells you that September 24th is the 267th day of the year, – the one that tells you your horoscope for today, – the one aiming merely to entertain you with fun facts in connection with today’s date, – and the scarcest one that we would like to recommend you today.


That extra spark of self-motivation

Sometimes it’s not easy to find the spark of desire for language learning. You know that frustration when you have been planning and scheduling and rescheduling and promising yourself that you will devote some time to language learning in the near future but this near future remains in the future as days and weeks pass by…


For your tea breaks

Do you know that visitor counter widget built into webpages that tells you how many visits the website has had? That counter on one of our favourite “tea break websites” says thirteen million. Wait, no. It’s thirteen billion. 13,645,024,327 visits since the website was launched…


Oh, the weather

It’s getting harder to form an opinion on the weather. We are less and less surprised that the weather surprises us. Record highs and record-long hot summer periods without a cloud in the sky used to have the potential to make headlines. Now it would raise more eyebrows if meteorologists predicted a normal, “rulebook” spring, summer, autumn or winter…


An ocean of books

I wonder how fast our mood and the weather will switch to “autumn mode” this year. The scorching heat has divided us into two groups now: those who escape to the nearest beach whenever they can, and those who do not go out until the sun goes down…

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