
You think you know everything about Halloween? There’s only one way to find out...
Learning a language most often takes discipline and hard work. Except when you find a bunch of great games: board games, apps and online games that help you learn and practise...
3 reasons why: More and more high-quality language blogs are appearing and developing; Improved mobile technology makes it even easier to enjoy blogs on the go; Language learning options can be overwhelming - blogs help you narrow down resources and techniques...
Our keywords for today: #documentaries and #speed Reading a book, listening to music and watching a ”non-popcorn” movie, or some nature or science documentaries can make you feel that you spent some meaningful time at home...
2020. szeptember 1-jével jelentős változások történtek a felnőttképzés szabályozásában. Ennek apropóján Huszár Ágnessel, a céges nyelvoktatással foglalkozó Fast English ügyvezetőjével beszélgetett Baksa Zsuzsanna (Virtual Expert Assistant, VIRAS)
How can words be adventurous or exciting? Do you know what homographs, homophones and homonyms are?

Technology, Entertainment and Design

It’s hard to find someone who hasn’t ever seen or heard of these three letters side by side: TED. It’s much easier to find someone who, though they regularly watch or listen to TED presentations, has never wondered what TED stands for.


New English Words

New words pop up every day and what seemed to be relevant yesterday may disappear for good in our ever-changing world. And also, there are words and phrases that have already existed but a new meaning got attached to them in a new context.


Human translators vs CAT

It was about 4 years ago when we posted a blog entry about the big question: ❓ Are human translators still better than computer translators❓


The value of revision

Revision is an indispensable part of learning a language. It helps you remember and reactivate previously covered vocabulary, grammar and structures, thus increasing your confidence, your accuracy and your fluency.


Word Of The Year 2023 – part 2

Last week we posted part 1 of our traditional mini-series, Word Of The Year. After 2019’s“climate emergency”, 2020’s “pandemic”, 2021’s “vax”, and 2022’s “Goblin mode”, at the end of 2023, the Word Of The Year was announced by Dictionary dot com: “hallucinate”.


Word Of The Year 2023 – part 1

Word Of The Year for 2023, announced by Dictionary dot com, is not a new word. It’s an old word with a new meaning. Each year, trending words and phrases are tracked and analysed. The winner usually sums up in one or two words the most significant event, discovery, crisis or trend of the given calendar year.

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