
We have found something that is suspiciously great*...
Mára az idegen nyelv létfontosságúvá vált az üzleti életben, az angol nyelv nélkül szinte lehetetlen elhelyezkedni. Az egyetemekről ugyan nyelvvizsgával jönnek ki a frissen végzettek, de még a szakmailag magasan képzett alkalmazottakat tekintve is gyakran felmerül az igény, hogy nyelvileg képezzék őket. Aki valaha foglalkozott céges nyelvi képzésekkel, meg fogja erősíteni, hogy nem könnyű feladat a hatékony oktatás kivitelezése.
Good jokes can be good ice-breakers . & Really bad jokes can break the ice, too .
Find the EXplanation...
Google Translation has its pros and cons...
If you are looking for fun facts for today, find out what we celebrate on 23rd May...

21st century tourists

Generally, it’s around late spring that city tour high season starts but, as our four seasons are shifting and our climate is changing, I think it’s safer to say that after two weeks of good spring weather in a row, suddenly tourist come out of their caves and appear in the cities…



Once or twice a year, we invite you, just for fun, just as a light Sunday afternoon reading tip, to join us and find out what we celebrate on that given day around the world…


Troll, boop, trill and others

In music, when new artists appear, we talk about one-hit wonders and real stars with long-lasting fame and recognition. It’s the same with new words in a language. New words appear, we start using them, some of them become part of our most frequently used active vocabulary, other words become popular for some time and then disappear for good.


Spring cleaning

Prepare for this year’s spring cleaning and boost your vocabulary. Spring has sprung and we have a blog entry for you with essential spring cleaning vocabulary, with clear explanations, images and examples.


Weekend research

This is our DST reminder for those who get too busy with Easter (and April Fools’ Day) preparations this weekend. For those who don’t know, DST stands for …

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