
As the weekend was approaching, more and more “snow-promising” clouds were gathering, so we started to work on a blog entry that’s in sync with the expected white weekend...
Last week we posted part 1 of our traditional mini-series, Word Of The Year. After 2019’s “climate emergency”, 2020’s “pandemic” and 2021’s “vax”, at the end of 2022, with 93 percent of the total votes, a Word Of The Year for 2022 was announced: “goblin mode”
Year by year, Oxford Dictionaries announce the Word Of The Year. Trending words and phrases are tracked and analysed for a 12-month period. The winner usually sums up in one or two words the most significant event, discovery, crisis or trend of the given calendar year...
When you are searching for information you often bump into Wikipedia links. Wikipedia entries are available in several languages which is convenient and useful, however there are two potential challenges ...
11 days till December… If you want to be prepared for the winter of 2022 we can help you with great resources in one of the essential focus areas: winter recipes...
#FastEnglish #BudapestAirport #8évegyüttműködés

Tehetséggondozás – Opening Doors

Hogyan lehet versenyhátrányból versenyelőnyt kovácsolni? Speciális tehetséggondozás új formájában, melyet a GE Foundation Opening Doors (Nyíló világ) segítségével valósítottunk meg. A tehetséggondozó program elősegíti egy nemzetközileg versenyképes, új értelmiségi generáció kialakulását a felzárkózó észak-kelet magyarországi régióban.

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