Have you tried learning English with music yet? This is the perfect way to have fun while you improve your English skills.
Az elmúlt hetekben arról beszéltünk, hogyan lehet hatékony a cégeknél történő, kihelyezett nyelvtanfolyam. Megnéztünk különböző szcenáriókat. Ma a céges nyelvtanfolyamban résztvevő legnépesebb táborral foglalkozunk: ők az irodai környezetben dolgozó munkatársak, a pénzügyesek, a beszerzők, a HR-esek.
We have found a great collection of summer English vocabulary...
We know how and when to use most Latin abbreviations, such as: AD - anno Domini - "in the year of the Lord"; A.M. - ante meridiem - "before midday"; P.M - post meridiem - "after midday" ...
Everybody likes fun facts. We have collected a bunch on Independence Day.
There are certain "imported" words in the English language that have two valid spelling versions - one with special characters coming from the original language - and another version with characters adjusted to the English alphabet.
Summer vocabulary 2021
június 21, 2021
Could the summer start without an updated summer vocabulary list in your pocket?
Summer book hunt tip #2
június 13, 2021
A month ago, we posted our pre-summer book hunt tip (link below) If you are a language learner who wants to find some great books for the summer we have another recommendation for you…
Walking Tour App
június 8, 2021
I couldn’t think of a more valuable tip at the beginning of June than VoiceMap’s Walking Tour App.
11,000 words on Children’s Day
május 30, 2021
60,000 characters, 11,000 words about 100 countries in 1 entry: Children’s Day
Top 1000 words in all languages
május 26, 2021
There is a website that was created with the bold endeavour to list the top 1,000 words, that is the most common words, in all languages…
Pre-summer book hunt tip
május 19, 2021
It’s mid-May, we are 2 weeks from the start of summer ‘21 If you are a language learner who wants to find some great books for the summer we have a recommendation for you…