
Now, that everyone spends even more time online we updated our earlier posts on our facebook page and placed a unique hashtag, #fastenglishweeklytips in all our posts.
How can a letter be exciting? 🙂 Not easily 🙂
Politico dot com published ”34 big thinkers’ predictions for what’s to come” that is how the present pandemic will change the world. lists these words (and more) in their „Words at Play” series. Let's see if you have ever heard them and if you know what they mean.
FAST ENGLISH WEEKLY TIPS ⏩ ⏩ MAKE THE MOST OF IT Interestingly, it’s Tip Berlin’s website where we found the most practical collection of tips, WRITTEN IN ENGLISH , on what you can do at home during the quarantine...
HOW WILL ENGLISH SOUND IN 100 YEARS? There are several theories on how the English language will evolve in the next 10, 20, 50 or 100 years...

For Crossword Lovers

It’s still beach season and one of the most popular relaxation activities on the beach is crossword puzzles. You can go for the classic paper version but if you want to select from tens of thousands of crossword puzzles, using search filters like topic, difficulty and language, WordFinder is pleased to present to you their top 7 Crossword App tips for word lovers on the go.


Ki kicsoda a Fast English-nél?

Mennyire ismered a tanárt, akivel a Fast English nyelvi kurzusain hetente több órát együtt töltesz, és aki ezt az időt értékes tartalommal tölti meg számodra? Te mit tudsz arról az emberről, akinek a nehezen elsajátíthatónak érzett új nyelven próbálsz magadról, a családodról, a munkádról, az éppen aktuális projektjeidről minél pontosabban, választékosabban, nyelvtanilag egyeztetve mesélni? Ki ül veled szemben? Valószínűleg keveset tudsz róla, hiszen az órákon inkább Te beszélsz, kedves olvasó. Az elkövetkező hetekben egy-egy kollégánkat mutatjuk be. Ismerjétek meg őket, ily módon is új témával színesítve a társalgási időt.


Language apps: 2021 update

Year by year, we run a research to find the best FREE language learning apps. This year it’s Lifewire’s and PCMag’s summaries that have proven to be the most useful resources.


101 recipes

Easy summer appetizers, main courses, side dishes and those ever so tempting treats… That’s what this post promises with the opportunity of improving your culinary English.


Fun Quiz on 4th July

You can easily find historical facts about Independence Day in any history books. What history books don’t have is fun facts about 4th July. That’s why we made this blog post for you.

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