
It’s officially spring. By the meteorological calendar, it started on 1st March, as it always does, and astronomical spring, which is based on the position of Earth's orbit in relation to the Sun, considering equinoxes and solstices, started on 20th March this year...
Whether it’s a friend from another country, a foreign business partner or a curious student, you may find yourself looking for words when they ask you questions about a national holiday...
For some, it’s common knowledge in 2024. For others, it’s still hard to believe that you don’t necessarily have to type in what you want your translation app to translate. It’s enough to take a picture...
There are “unmentioned” letters in English. Letters that cannot be found in the English alphabet, however you will find these letters in English words in dictionaries...
We found a technological novelty a few years ago that has proven to be a great tool for language learners since then. The magic letters were LLN: language learning with Netflix. And 3 years later LLY came out...
Five years ago we posted a collection, an album with photos of billboards. Not great ones, not original or beautiful billboards. They were all printed with ridiculous and horrendous typos. Now we added 11 more photos.

November celebrations around the world – part I

Though all the shopwindows and store decorations are suggesting Christmas is around the corner, we are more than a month away from the year-end festivities and there are lots of other celebrations before we start decorating the Christmas tree…


Today is …

What are we celebrating? Isn’t it interesting that somewhere somebody is celebrating something right now? It’s a weird idea but it’s actually always true…


A website for your coffee breaks

”Dining alfresco is not the best idea on a day like this.” – Dining what? Dining how? Alfresco? Alfresco is an adverb, it means ”in the fresh air” or ”outdoors”. I wouldn’t know it if I didn’t take regular visits to an amazing, versatile, multi-dimensional, colourful website…


Ki kicsoda a Fast English-nél?

Mennyire ismered a tanárt, akivel a Fast English nyelvi kurzusain hetente több órát együtt töltesz, és aki ezt az időt értékes tartalommal tölti meg számodra? Te mit tudsz arról az emberről, akinek a nehezen elsajátíthatónak érzett új nyelven próbálsz magadról, a családodról, a munkádról, az éppen aktuális projektjeidről minél pontosabban, választékosabban, nyelvtanilag egyeztetve mesélni? Ki ül veled szemben? Valószínűleg keveset tudsz róla, hiszen az órákon inkább Te beszélsz, kedves olvasó. Az elkövetkező hetekben egy-egy kollégánkat mutatjuk be. Ismerjétek meg őket, ily módon is új témával színesítve a társalgási időt.

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