Have you tried learning English with music yet? This is the perfect way to have fun while you improve your English skills.
Az elmúlt hetekben arról beszéltünk, hogyan lehet hatékony a cégeknél történő, kihelyezett nyelvtanfolyam. Megnéztünk különböző szcenáriókat. Ma a céges nyelvtanfolyamban résztvevő legnépesebb táborral foglalkozunk: ők az irodai környezetben dolgozó munkatársak, a pénzügyesek, a beszerzők, a HR-esek.
We have found a great collection of summer English vocabulary...
We know how and when to use most Latin abbreviations, such as: AD - anno Domini - "in the year of the Lord"; A.M. - ante meridiem - "before midday"; P.M - post meridiem - "after midday" ...
Everybody likes fun facts. We have collected a bunch on Independence Day.
There are certain "imported" words in the English language that have two valid spelling versions - one with special characters coming from the original language - and another version with characters adjusted to the English alphabet.
Words born in ’22
augusztus 14, 2022
Language never stops evolving. Some words become obsolete and gradually disappear and new words appear on the horizon every day…
223 summer recipes – part II
augusztus 7, 2022
A few days ago we posted part one of our two-part mini series on summer recipes…
Beat the heat
július 24, 2022
Have you had enough of the sun? Have you found a blanket-size free spot in the shade? Do you feel like sitting back and having a crossword siesta?
Ice cream, yellow pigs and justice
július 17, 2022
What is common in peach ice cream, yellow pigs, emojis, tattoos and international justice? Isn’t it obvious? We celebrate them on the same day every year.