
Language never stops evolving. Some words become obsolete and gradually disappear and new words appear on the horizon every day...
A few days ago we posted part one of our two-part mini series on summer recipes...
We managed to double what we offered you a year ago…
Have you had enough of the sun? Have you found a blanket-size free spot in the shade? Do you feel like sitting back and having a crossword siesta?
What is common in peach ice cream, yellow pigs, emojis, tattoos and international justice? Isn’t it obvious? We celebrate them on the same day every year.


62 summer proverbs + 40 summer quotes That is our refreshing language cocktail for you this weekend.


It’s not only Thanksgiving and Black Friday that make November wonderful. November is a countdown to winter, each day we are one day closer to December and to Christmas…


Forbes Flow 2022

Az idei Forbes Flow-n ismét összejöttek üzletemberek, cégek, kezdeményezések, akik sikereikről ismertek. A Fast English is megjelent.


Pick a podcast – part one

Are you familiar with the excitement when you start following a youtuber and you realize they have tens of videos on their channel? Or when you fall in love with the first episode of a TV series and you bathe in the joy of realization that it has 10 complete seasons?

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