
Could the summer start without an updated summer vocabulary list in your pocket?
A month ago, we posted our pre-summer book hunt tip (link below) If you are a language learner who wants to find some great books for the summer we have another recommendation for you...
I couldn’t think of a more valuable tip at the beginning of June than VoiceMap’s Walking Tour App.
60,000 characters, 11,000 words about 100 countries in 1 entry: Children's Day
There is a website that was created with the bold endeavour to list the top 1,000 words, that is the most common words, in all languages...
It’s mid-May, we are 2 weeks from the start of summer ‘21 If you are a language learner who wants to find some great books for the summer we have a recommendation for you...

Mi történt Tibivel, az angol nyelvtudású mérnökkel?

Nemrégiben az idegen nyelv létfontosságáról beszéltünk. Hiába tudunk jól angolul, hogyha ezt a tudást nem tudjuk megfelelően érvényesíteni a munkahelyünkön, a kapott feladataink ellátása során. Ekkor szokott kialakulni bennünk az aggodalom az állásunk elvesztésével kapcsolatban, hiszen nem tudunk megfelelni a követelményeknek. Jelen esetben a megoldás az, hogy kiváló nyelvtudásunk mellett, a feladataink ellátásához a szakmai nyelv tanulásába is belekezdünk.


Father’s Day

Depending on where you live on this planet, Father’s Day comes up on different pages of the calendar…


Press play and learn

Learning a language through movies can be one of the most fun ways to enhance your skills. With the tips below, you can learn a language by watching movies that you love!


Simplified English

We all know that when we open a manual written in English we find simplified wording, less complex sentences and basic grammar…

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