
You think you know everything about Halloween? There’s only one way to find out...
Learning a language most often takes discipline and hard work. Except when you find a bunch of great games: board games, apps and online games that help you learn and practise...
3 reasons why: More and more high-quality language blogs are appearing and developing; Improved mobile technology makes it even easier to enjoy blogs on the go; Language learning options can be overwhelming - blogs help you narrow down resources and techniques...
Our keywords for today: #documentaries and #speed Reading a book, listening to music and watching a ”non-popcorn” movie, or some nature or science documentaries can make you feel that you spent some meaningful time at home...
2020. szeptember 1-jével jelentős változások történtek a felnőttképzés szabályozásában. Ennek apropóján Huszár Ágnessel, a céges nyelvoktatással foglalkozó Fast English ügyvezetőjével beszélgetett Baksa Zsuzsanna (Virtual Expert Assistant, VIRAS)
How can words be adventurous or exciting? Do you know what homographs, homophones and homonyms are?

Latin abbreviations in English

We know how and when to use most Latin abbreviations, such as: AD – anno Domini – „in the year of the Lord”; A.M. – ante meridiem – „before midday”; P.M – post meridiem – „after midday” …


Can you spell that, please?

There are certain „imported” words in the English language that have two valid spelling versions – one with special characters coming from the original language – and another version with characters adjusted to the English alphabet.

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