
Don’t you find it interesting that sometimes, in a ten-word sentence, there are at least five words that did not exist a few decades ago?
Easter traditions vary not only from country to country but also even neighbouring regions of the same country celebrate Easter in different ways...
Why did the first day of April become April Fools’ Day? Is it a global phenomenon? What are the craziest and most famous April Fools’ Day pranks?
Több mint 200 nagyvállalati ügyfél és 95% fölötti hallgatói elégedettség.
Az üzleti kommunikáció elengedhetetlen részét képezi az idegennyelv-ismeret. A legjobban fókuszált, leghatékonyabb nyelvi képzés kiválasztása kulcsfontosságú.
Miért a legjobb választás a legnagyobb múlttal rendelkező magyarországi nyelvi kommunikációs tanácsadó szervezet?

Much more than a free dictionary

When we bump into something that’s free we tend to approach it with caution, or a negative prejudice regarding the quality of its content. Let us show you an exception.


Google tips

It’s Google’s 22nd birthday today! So, we are dedicating this post to Google, more specifically to ways Google can help language learners.


Find meaningful news

The U.N. Climate Action Summit is a great excuse for some reading practice. If you are looking for some reading materials, you can read many press releases.


English connectors

What??? We are talking about words and phrases that connect sentences and paragraphs. On the one hand, each of them has their specific function; on the other hand, they serve as elegant decoration in conversation or writing; …

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