
Nemrégiben az idegen nyelv létfontosságáról beszéltünk. Hiába tudunk jól angolul, hogyha ezt a tudást nem tudjuk megfelelően érvényesíteni a munkahelyünkön, a kapott feladataink ellátása során. Ekkor szokott kialakulni bennünk az aggodalom az állásunk elvesztésével kapcsolatban, hiszen nem tudunk megfelelni a követelményeknek. Jelen esetben a megoldás az, hogy kiváló nyelvtudásunk mellett, a feladataink ellátásához a szakmai nyelv tanulásába is belekezdünk.
Depending on where you live on this planet, Father’s Day comes up on different pages of the calendar...
Learning a language through movies can be one of the most fun ways to enhance your skills. With the tips below, you can learn a language by watching movies that you love!
We all know that when we open a manual written in English we find simplified wording, less complex sentences and basic grammar...
Regardless of why we may lose our motivation, there are a few things you can do to work through it...

Last minute presents

If you still have a few question marks on your Christmas gift list but 4 days before Christmas you have serious doubts because: A: You already did your store tour and found empty shelves where you expected to find what you wanted to buy. B: Webshops can’t guarantee that you will get your ordered products before 24th…


Pick up some culinary vocabulary

Isn’t the winter holiday the best time to expand your cooking related vocabulary? Why wouldn’t you switch to adventurous mode and try some new recipes for this Christmas? By the time you turn off the oven you will have picked up a lot of new vocabulary – if you use our link collection with recipes and ideas…


Santa Claus – What else?

In Hungary, like in many other countries, Santa Clause is coming to town on 6th December. We had a post on how they call Santa, and why, in different countries and cultures…

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