
„Már szinte természetesen tudom kezelni, ha a külföldi kollégákkal kell egyeztetnem angolul.” Zsuzsa, az egyik tanítványom nagyon izgatottan jelentkezett be egyik reggel a szokásos heti angolórára. Az ok az volt, hogy olyan pozitív élményben részesült előző nap a munkahelyi nemzetközi online meetingen, amire semmiképpen sem számított előtte.
Did you know that we (I mean people living on this planet) celebrate 11 different things on 13th September?
We owe more English words to Shakespeare than one would think...
Practice makes a master. Everybody knows that. But not everybody has the super power to find the time to get daily language practice...
Do you know this classic /see image/ that used to be in circulation in an old chain mail? This paragraph contains a bunch of jumbled letters and you are still able to read it at a normal pace...
September is here. Isn’t it the best opportunity to chit-chat about the weather? How hot the summer was… How we were all looking forward to the end of the scorching heat… How great it will be to take a walk on a chilly morning at last… And how much we will miss it in a couple of months…

Fast English – akkor és most VII.

Folytatjuk poszt-sorozatunkat, amelyben megosztunk Veletek pillanatokat az életünkből, bemutatjuk Nektek jelenlegi és volt hallgatóinkat, kollégáinkat. Kövessétek „Fast English akkor & most” bejegyzéseinket!


Word Of The Year 2021 – part 2

Earlier this week we posted part 1 of our traditional mini-series, Word Of The Year. The winner was “climate emergency” in 2019 and “pandemic” in 2020. By the end of 2021, according to academics, it was quite obvious which word would be crowned Word Of The Year…


Word Of The Year 2021 – part 1

Two years ago Word Of The Year for 2019 was announced: “climate emergency”. Little did we know that by March 2020, its use would decline by 50% as the word “pandemic” was becoming more and more frequently used in our everyday vocabulary…


Fast English – akkor és most V.

Folytatjuk poszt-sorozatunkat, amelyben megosztunk Veletek pillanatokat az életünkből, bemutatjuk Nektek jelenlegi és volt hallgatóinkat, kollégáinkat. Kövessétek „Fast English akkor & most” bejegyzéseinket! #fastenglishakkorésmost


New year greetings around the world

In how many languages do you know how to say “Happy New Year” ? If you clicked on our year-end post last year you remember that we were on a mission to teach you ”Happy New Year” in as many languages as possible.

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