
There must be fascinating ways to combine language learning and keeping fit but our title “Language & health” refers to something else.
It’s Sunday morning, allow us to serve you a light info snack...
In a press release published this week, the Conference on the Future of Europe announced the launch of its multilingual digital platform.
11 items are listed below. Believe it or not, there is only ONE that is not commemorated or celebrated today (somewhere on the planet)...
As spring arrives people around the world celebrate different things and commemorate different events in different ways...


Dive into some interesting research. Our weekly research tip is: The history of DST.


It’s not only Thanksgiving and Black Friday that make November wonderful. November is a countdown to winter, each day we are one day closer to December and to Christmas…


Forbes Flow 2022

Az idei Forbes Flow-n ismét összejöttek üzletemberek, cégek, kezdeményezések, akik sikereikről ismertek. A Fast English is megjelent.


Pick a podcast – part one

Are you familiar with the excitement when you start following a youtuber and you realize they have tens of videos on their channel? Or when you fall in love with the first episode of a TV series and you bathe in the joy of realization that it has 10 complete seasons?

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