Technology is a typical area where, more and more frequently, new words pop up and become household terms, such as “online”, “wifi” and “bluetooth”, while obsolete technology takes its vocabulary with it to its grave, as it happened to “telex”, “fax”, “cassette” or “discman”, for example.
And such high percentage of words and phrases used in our everyday communication comes from recent years, that if our 20-year younger selves time-travelled and landed in our present time they would often have no idea what our present selves are saying.
We have found a great collection of words that did not exist 20-30-40 years ago.
Troll, jorts, FOMO, selfie, boop, podcast, trill, cougar, shopaholic, upcycling, binge watching, dope, unfriend, and a lot more…
ℹ For the whole list with descriptions,
click on the link below:
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