The Google Chrome extension is designed for Netflix users who watch their favourite shows using the Chrome browser.
If you enable LLN while watching Netflix:
– you can set 2 active subtitles, so you can listen to the audio and follow the subtitles in the language you study, while also displaying the subtitles in your language below the first one;
– You can also adjust playback speed;
– You can listen to the subtitles line by line, which enables you to analyse it and compare it to the displayed translation;
– WHAT’S MORE, there is a pop-up dictionary and the extension suggests the most important words for you to learn.
PRO mode includes further functions, not for free obviously, but the basic version in itself sounds amazingly language learner friendly. Doesn’t it? 🙂
To check out the details and to add it to your Chrome extensions, go to
and search for “LLN”
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