As many books as you want

At the gate of autumn, as days are getting longer, we tend to spend more time at home. We would like to present to you a suspiciously great online library that we found two years ago. By suspiciously we mean that it’s a website which, in return for signing up (FOR FREE), opens the doors of an online library with an ocean of books.

That’s not all. They made browsing incredibly practical: you can browse books based on levels (from A1 to C2), genres (35 categories) or tags (more than 200).

That’s still not all. You can download the books (with format options), you can read online and listen to audio books.

We tested the site and it really delivers what it promises. We picked some books, opened them for online reading and also clicked on the download button, and all functions work great.

If you want to give it a try, check out this great website:


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